Smart Buy de عمّان

JordanieSmart Buy



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شارع فهمي هاشم, عمّان, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 580 9999
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.951872, Longitude: 35.8555305

commentaires 5

  • Ghieth 93

    Ghieth 93


    رحت عليهم الساعة 9:30 صباحا بدي اشتري , ما دخلوني ! قال ارجع بعد نص ساعة ايش التعامل الزبالة !!

  • ar

    mohammad issa


    انصح اي احد مقبل على شراء اي نوع من انواع الاجهزة الالكترونيه بالذهاب الى هذا المتجر من اجل اخذ فكره شامله وذلك لاحتوائه على معظم الوكالات التجاريه. الاسعار قد لا تكون الافضل.. لكن العدد الكبير من خيارات العرض يجعل هذا المتجر وجهه لابد من التوقف عندها

  • en

    Aram Tchekrekjian


    Large electronics and electrical devices store and you can find almost anything there, but the prices are higher than many other stores and the most annoying part is that the moment you step inside, you get surprised by a numerous annoying sales employees surrounding you. It is so infuriating experience!

  • C A

    C A


    Very bad service, ignorant and unprofessional salesmen, customer care, after sale service, you name it.. No return policy, delays in everything, and they dont even pick the phone. I will never deal with them again

  • en

    Zed Jebreel


    Product support is appalling. Smart buy just want to sell and they don't care about what happens later to the product including honoring the warranty.

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