Sharif Eye Centers de Amman

JordanieSharif Eye Centers



🕗 horaire

9, Mai Ziadeh St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 464 4066
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.950751, Longitude: 35.905822

commentaires 5

  • Anis Kartujo

    Anis Kartujo


    I felt great relief to see and know that they know what they do, A lot of profecionalidad in your area doctors are very kind profecionales. they changed my vision towards the doctors not only my ailment but also my fear fear to go to a doctor, good only with them lol I recommend them....

  • Zubaer Islam Rony

    Zubaer Islam Rony


    They are most helpful doctors ever I seen. The doctors are very friendly they listened all of problem and solution this cordially even the environment of this hospital very clean and healthy.

  • en

    Dreamless Boy


    Its very good and helpful....I like this and hope that everyone will like this...

  • H.N. Jisan Don

    H.N. Jisan Don


    Those people are really well trained. They sort out problems very easily. They will really take good care of your eyes.

  • Eros Di Miele

    Eros Di Miele


    The doctors were kind and well educated. The medical process was done with effectiveness and efficacy.

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