Shababeek Center de Amman

JordanieShababeek Center



🕗 horaire

Wadi as-Sir, Amman, Jordanien
contact téléphone: +962 6 582 2158
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9557731, Longitude: 35.8449735

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ashley Jordan


    Shababeek uses the GPA method to teach foreigners the Arabic language while integrating it with real life cultural experiences. We’ve been attending Shababeek for 6 months now and we couldn’t be happier or more impressed with the staff. This business is top notch! Locals tell us all the time that they can’t believe how much Arabic we know after only 6 months here. Our language instructors, called Nurturers, are all local Arabs, very intelligent, so patient, friendly and have become our dear friends. The owner is an American woman and the manager is a local, and together they make a great team! We’re so grateful for this place!

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    It is a pretty decent language center for non Arabic speakers. They apply multiple teaching strategies so that the students don’t face any trouble getting the information. Also the staff are so friendly as well as the founder of the center. It is located in a good area and the building is new and it has nice views.

  • Elise Sjogren

    Elise Sjogren


    This is an excellent language center, incredibly well run and full of great resources. They use the GPA language learning method, which I've found to be interactive, fun and comprehensive. I've been most impressed with the personal attention I've received from the director and language coaches. You can tell they really care about your learning and are always willing to hear feedback! A great place to study colloquial Arabic.

  • en

    Ihab Kalbouneh


  • Hailey Prescott

    Hailey Prescott


École la plus proche

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