Seven Wonders Hotel w Wadi Musa

JordaniaSeven Wonders Hotel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
@30.31863,35.482125, Wadi Musa, Иордания
kontakt telefon: +962 3 215 5156
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.318701, Longitude: 35.48223

komentarze 5

  • fr

    Coralie Clairefond


    Rapport qualité prix convenable. Chambre spacieuse et propre, bonne literie. Restaurant très impersonnel et sans fenêtre, nourriture très moyenne. La piscine n'est pas chauffée donc très fraîche pour un début avril, pas possible de se baigner alors qu'il fait très chaud après une journée de visite à Petra.

  • Rozene S Narayan

    Rozene S Narayan


    Never stay at this hotel!! Save yourself and your money. This is the worst hotel I’ve ever stayed at. The staff will cheat you and make money from you and provide no service and no help. They’ll organise activities for you, ask you for cash and charge extra and keep the money themselves. I arrived into Petra and had problems with my existing accommodation where I couldn’t stay. The reception guy at this hotel charged me 400 dinars which is close to $1000 for 4 nights. It’s supposed to be a 3 star hotel! I was desperate and took the room as I had a lot of bags and only found out later I was over charged. I was given no receipts and told the credit card machine was broken and had to pay cash. They will always tell you their machine is broken. My biggest mistake was staying here. The first impression I had of Jordanian people was because of Petra and as a single female traveller I was cheated, felt unsafe and uncomfortable and left 2 nights early even after paying that much money. Please be careful in Petra in general but never waste your money on this place. The bathroom was broken, lamps didn’t work and the carpets smelt.

  • en

    Abu Maryam (Jazeel)


    value for money. good staff

  • en

    Petr Kešner


    Very friendly staff. Very good breakfast. Clean room. Staff is really empatic trying to help everybody. Mikhled is very good.

  • en

    Sara Ghanma


    The place location wise is great, easily accessible by car. Food was really good, but could have invested in fresh fruits- they were nice enough to keep the food out for dinner for an extra 15 minutes because we were late coming back from Petra. Rooms are cute, carpets need cleaning and the shower door, too. They provided us with tooth brushes and paste- buut the AC and the bathroom mirror lights didn't work! The pool is clean but the pool chairs need to be replaced! But I recommend the place, it's relaxed and close to Petra!

najbliższy Kwatera

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