Шархабил Бин Хассн Экопарк de Pella/طبقة فحل

JordanieШархабил Бин Хассн Экопарк


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

32.52471, 35.62068, Pella/طبقة فحل, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9939 7037
site web: jordanecopark.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.52612, Longitude: 35.618119

commentaires 5

  • Nuno Gomes

    Nuno Gomes


    An interesting idea, with nice people. The lighting needs to be improved, however. The park and the huts have lots of light pollution.

  • en

    Waddah Hammad


    A place that you will never forget...you will feel you are out of the city specially with those small rooms to stay over night there..food is ok

  • Alaa Qasem

    Alaa Qasem


    Good place... Need small touch to be perfect. Price is good

  • Hamza Misk

    Hamza Misk


    The most beautiful and wonderful park for journey in cool day sun ,not too hot day around 17-25 C , If you need take some beautiful photos like this, you need wide lens. Make sure the She ecopark the camp is not full before come in it, because camp area the best place to enjoy and relaxation. Don't forget that. The way from Amman to park need around 1:30 Hours , 80 Km.




    Excellent. Clean rooms. Nice food. Amazing views. Good people. Highly recommended

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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