Sara Sea Food de عمّان

JordanieSara Sea Food



🕗 horaire

King Faisal Street, عمّان, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9607 5065
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.952032, Longitude: 35.931748

commentaires 5

  • Saleh Kayyali

    Saleh Kayyali


    Good food, cheerful staff. Little bit overpriced.

  • en

    Abdullah Y


    Nice place and food choices... Over cooked 🤐

  • Alan Orth

    Alan Orth


    I wish this place served alcohol. Their seafood platters are delicious! They would be even a little more tasty with some Arak.

  • yunshang Lou

    yunshang Lou


    We got recommendation from Lonely Planet to try this restaurant, and it is beyond expectation! Food was very delicious and the service was very friendly and attentive. Usually we never try a same restaurant twice in a city where we are traveling, but during our three-day visit in Amman this time, we went to this restaurant twice because we simply could not resist its good taste!😁

  • Ahmad Qadri

    Ahmad Qadri


    Quality of goods is good. However the service , hygiene, entrance , toilet etc needs good improvement. It’s one of the best seafood restaurants downtown. But Big improvements is needs regarding above.

Restaurant la plus proche

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