SAE Institute de Amman

JordanieSAE Institute


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🕗 horaire

Naour Street, Amman, JO ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 579 9080
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.8980635, Longitude: 35.8686286

commentaires 5

  • ar

    احمد المرعي



  • emad shraim

    emad shraim


    It's a very good college

  • aziza hassan

    aziza hassan



  • Mohammad Omari

    Mohammad Omari


    I was a student here for one year. it is very expensive, very commercial, unorganized and full of promises that will never happens like Autodesk examination that was part of the deal, and they told me in the end that the company Autodesk is not recognizing their institute to make the exams and i have to make it outside after i already paid for them fees and invest by my self in the materials and the books ... Their sister company B4 Jordan failed after it was their way to convince the new students to participate in the courses with the hope to get hired inside for training.. end up to be as not a good institution and not recognized from companies in Amman and outside Jordan as well even if they have 54 branches in their world.. also they blocked me on facebook for a comment i did on a post just because i was saying a truth... not recommended from my side even for short courses..

  • en

    Sami Awadallah


    SAE for Animation &Film making

Université la plus proche

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