Roasters Coffee de Amman

JordanieRoasters Coffee



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Wadi As-Seir، Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9992 0099
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9730303, Longitude: 35.8407165

commentaires 5

  • Mohammed Nababteh

    Mohammed Nababteh


    They have many coffee options (not bad but nothing special) I tried the roasters latte!

  • ar

    Khaled Bilbeisi


    The best coffee/atmosphere/service in town Snacks and sweets are surprisingly very good Very nice interior with comfortable chairs and big terrace Reasonable prices Free street parking available افضل قهوة امريكية في عمان يمتاز بخيارات ساندويشات باردة وسلطات وحلويات عديدة وبجودة عالية جدا تصميم المكان جميل والمقاعد مريحة جدا بالاضافة الى تراس خارجي واسع مع توفر مصفات مجانية عديدة للسيارات اسعار المشروبات جيدة جدا بالمقارنة مع الاماكن المجاورة

  • en

    Yousef Khasawinah


    One of the best coffee houses in Jordan ... the store manager is passionate to his work .. amazing staff and atmosphere.. great coffee .. recommend to give them a visit.

  • Yazeed Kanaan

    Yazeed Kanaan


    Perfect service, great ambiance, and delicious coffee! Highly recommend

  • Qais Haddad

    Qais Haddad


    Tasty snacks and fresh coffee are available with various options to choose from. Roasters signature drinks are really tasty and worth to try. Place is really cozy and clean with wide spaces to study and chill. Wide spaces to park your car and it's free of charge. Customer service is great and employee treatment is amazing. I suggest trying Roasters Coffee with family and friends because it really worth it.

Café la plus proche

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