Remedy's Pharmacy de Amman

JordanieRemedy's Pharmacy



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221, Mecca Al Mukarramah St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 582 0207
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9753746, Longitude: 35.8484322

commentaires 5

  • kamel almani

    kamel almani


    Hands down the best pharmacy in town!! They have everything I need, and great customer service.

  • Mohamed Abuelezz

    Mohamed Abuelezz


    They always have what I want, they have home free delivery as well, discounts on vitamins and cosmetics

  • en

    Adnan Salah


    Great services, great people

  • MrDab Playz

    MrDab Playz


    I like the remedys sooo much

  • Suheel Athamneh

    Suheel Athamneh


    The staff are very helpful, and give you the right advice when in need. a variety of options is also available.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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