Rawan Cake de Amman

JordanieRawan Cake



🕗 horaire

40, Rainbow Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 7880 4444
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9495641, Longitude: 35.926398

commentaires 5

  • Salam Al Zoubi

    Salam Al Zoubi


    must try..

  • Saja Murad

    Saja Murad


    Verity in cakes, ice cream flavors, cake pops, ice cream pops, etc... The taste is 10/10 The staff is really nice and helpful.. Thumbs up for this place👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • John K

    John K


    Very creative. The folks were super friendly. There is a great variety of ice cream and cakes that are incredible decorated. You can buy a whole cake or by the slice. I feel the price was very reasonable. I would go back again and again. The ice cream balls on a stick (meno) were great!!

  • Muaad Khawaj

    Muaad Khawaj


    Well priced, there is an outdoor and indoor seating.

  • Mais J

    Mais J


    It's good, but for God's sake it's just too overrated.. It is not as heavenly spectacular and wonderfully outstanding as they claim it is.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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