QC Restaurant de עמאן

JordanieQC Restaurant



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עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9101 4484
site web: m.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9571368, Longitude: 35.8573268

commentaires 5

  • Ahmad Abbadi

    Ahmad Abbadi


    Great place to visit. The theme is all about Quebec, Canada 🍁. Overall, the staff was very friendly, and their Facebook page is full of good pics that would make you want to try their food. We ordered Greek Chicken Burger, Steak Burger, and one NYC style poutine. The prices are average like any over Burger place. The food tasted nice (steak was spicy which was great and served differently) and wasn't oily or extra burnt, just the right balance. Great place for trying something a little different from the other burger shops.

  • en

    Yukon Person


    Amazing poutine, just like back home. A must try for anyone. The staff and owner are very nice people and are always easy to talk to. The restaurant is clean and the location is good. Service is a bit slow but well worth the wait, love this place.

  • Tareq Qassas

    Tareq Qassas


    Awsome burger, very delicious poutine, high quality service ..thank you QC staff

  • احمد علي

    احمد علي


    الطعم أصلي و طريقة التقديم ممتازة كله على بعضه زاكي

  • en

    Farah Amayreh


    Excellent food and service. Would definitely revisit

Restaurant la plus proche

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