Prime Fresh Food de Amman

JordaniePrime Fresh Food



🕗 horaire

Tla al-Ali, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 551 3355
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9959279, Longitude: 35.8364032

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Maram Fuad


    كل شي موجود مرتب كتير مريح تعامل الموظفين رائع كان حطيت نقطة خامسة لوما سعرو اغلى من المحلات

  • en

    Lilly Az


    Excellent shop Gluten free food available Organic products Healthy foods and fresh baked pizza sweet cakes and bread

  • Moath Mohammad

    Moath Mohammad


    Very nice place for shopping, a lot of healthy choices are available.

  • mohamad awawdeh

    mohamad awawdeh


    Excellent place. Have the greatest service. Quality and variety of their products. Food and supplies and catering for events. Love them!

  • Leen Al-shawahin

    Leen Al-shawahin


    Love the staff, they’re so friendly and helpful. Their cooked meals are good and suitable for families or even employees. You can find a variety of excellent products that aren’t available at other supermarkets.

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