Prime Cinemas Abdali Mall de عمّان

JordaniePrime Cinemas Abdali Mall


pas d'information

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0x86ca7a5d879833cc، عمّان، Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 401 1300
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9644907, Longitude: 35.9084942

commentaires 5

  • en

    Faisal Yasin


    Great cinema Very clean But the problem is that star is not for everyone i believe that this is disrespect for customers

  • Brat



    its clean and very organize... I enjoyed the movie in 3D

  • Abdullah Ahmed

    Abdullah Ahmed


    Currently , in my opinion i think this is the greatest cinema in amman , also my favorite one .. - Dolby sound system - plus cinema

  • Najee GHANIM

    Najee GHANIM


    Currently best Cinema in Amman. They have PLUS theaters equipped with Barco’s Laser projectors for premium image quality and Dolby atmos surround system. Also it offers very comfortable seats along with semi recliner chairs for extra cost. Refreshments are great though little expensive. They have loyalty program that enables you to attend free movie on your birthday week.

  • Sin of chaos

    Sin of chaos


    Great place ... And i liked the people who worked there .....

Cinéma la plus proche

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