Post Sports City de Amman

JordaniePost Sports City



🕗 horaire

Al Jubeiha, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 516 4551
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9907548, Longitude: 35.9018214

commentaires 5

  • atheer J

    atheer J


    Professional and friendly

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    Faris AbuRous


    Needs improvement by all means

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    Bashar Al-momani


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    Mustafa Tell


    This post office, like many post offices in Jordan, is frozen in time. They have not developed since the 70s. It is true they offer now more services but they still offer it with an attitude and in a none professional manner. In fact, I wish they were as good as they were back in the 70s. At least back then they were a bit more professional. Back then, at least you will get a note in your post box asking you to renew your box. Not someone writing on your letters with secret code. Thank god I asked one of the workers there what did the writing mean and she answered it means your box is closed!! She said only because you get a lot of mail we kept putting it in the box. We should have returned it!!! Wow, truly professional.

  • Ahmed Ghazal

    Ahmed Ghazal


    Staff are very rude , they need to be trained to respect people

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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