Petunia Hotel Отель de Amman

JordaniePetunia Hotel Отель


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Queen Rania Al Abdulla Street, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 565 1065
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9942653, Longitude: 35.8870376

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Media Vision



  • Thaer Kayed

    Thaer Kayed


    Good hotel

  • hareth mhmoud

    hareth mhmoud


    جيد نوعا ما

  • Ujhg Ybjoنن

    Ujhg Ybjoنن



  • en

    Mustafa Dhya


    Small room old furniture old fat TV with no satellite just 16 channel with 2 Chanel with good picture, poor dismal light, bathroom OK, no WiFi when I arrived it was broken or something, nobody fix it. There is a breakfast, too noisy due to cars sounds don't give them what they want about the price negotiate them they asked for 50 dollar I gave them 40 per night. The only good benefit is in the center of west Amman and markets, malls, restaurants are near the hotel .

Lodging la plus proche

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