Pantasic Ice Cream de עמאן

JordaniePantasic Ice Cream



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עמאן, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9288 0820
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9503569, Longitude: 35.9240313

commentaires 5

  • en

    Paul Chambers


    nut oreo

  • Mohammad Altheeb

    Mohammad Altheeb


    Best ice cream in time hands down , the fresh ice cream , the variety of flavours and choices , the whole concept of "make your own ice cream from scratch '" are all perfect . A definite recommendation for ice cream lovers and one of the best places to be around in rainbow street .

  • yara M

    yara M


    Just great ice cream man

  • en

    ghassan suliman


    you should try it more often

  • Murad AlMnasra

    Murad AlMnasra


    So delicious ice cream, chocolate milk is the best, we ordered twice from Rainbow street and galleria mall, staff in Rainbow street are more professional.

Magasin la plus proche

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