Oliva Jordan de Amman

JordanieOliva Jordan



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Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 462 2021
site web: www.olivajordan.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.95696, Longitude: 35.926008

commentaires 5

  • Omar Abdelhaq

    Omar Abdelhaq


    They have a decent menu but the pizzas used to be better. I don't know what changed, but the pizza deal used to be better than what they have now. Pastas taste great, but I think they are a bit overpriced.

  • Diego Torres

    Diego Torres


    Good Italian style food, great pasta and pizza. It's a small place though, so it can be hard to land a table. The pizzas are easy enough to order for takeout though.

  • Ninos Hozaya

    Ninos Hozaya


    Good pizza. Good music. And very good Service. However a bit crowded / tables too close to each other. Major negative point is that smoking is allowed at such small - closed place , it's a real turn off for nonsmokers.

  • Mumen Rumman

    Mumen Rumman


    Nice place. The food is original, you wouldn't get it in another place in Amman. Moderate prices. Service depends on the amount of customers but generally not late. Small place, better visited in the summer when you can sit on the street tables.

  • Seddiqa Rahhal

    Seddiqa Rahhal


    Cozy, romantic, refreshing environment and has the best Pizza & Linguini Alfredo Pasta in Jordan! Perfect for couples and small groups of friends. The guys who work there are incredibly nice. It has been my favorite restaurant for years! Their music choices are the best. The plants, the roses, and the atmosphere they have is just amazing. I love that it's small and always clean. The food is always fresh and tastes very good. They listen to feedback and care about it. It's not just a restaurant, it's an experience you will enjoy and be addicted to! It's a place that will make you feel better all the time.

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