NY Slice Pizza Amman i Amman

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JordanNY Slice Pizza Amman



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Suwaylem Al-Huwaytat Street, Amman, JO Иордания
kontakter telefon: +962 6 592 2271
internet side: nyslicejo.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9498431, Longitude: 35.8720599

kommentar 5

  • en

    Najib M Enin


    Feeling peckish? This may be a spot for you to try a slice to your palate ;-) Uses what appears to be a deck oven versus a wood-fired option. Standing area or seating in an outdoor enclave. Overall shows taste but pizza sauce since opening needs tweaking to beginnings of this eatery. Pesto sauce appears to lack Basil, hmm? Amiable service. I recommend a slice and no more. Pricing a notch on the higher side. Thanks!!

  • en

    Omar Atieh


    The staff are nice and the pizza is really good

  • Oday AlBashir

    Oday AlBashir


    Best and BEST pizza I’ve ever have The team is SUPER amazing, kind and cooperative Definitely I recommend it

  • Emad Gharaibeh

    Emad Gharaibeh


    Best pizza so far, the crust and sauces are amazing, this is my only destination for pizza these days

  • Ahmad Abbadi

    Ahmad Abbadi


    When they opened up, the taste was overwhelming! It was truly the best pizza I ever had (excluding deep dish). However, when I visited last week, the taste was nothing special and even the original which was out of this world tasted okish.. Hope that they can bring up the quality again.

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