Nothing Like It de Amman

JordanieNothing Like It


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A13, Ibn Mada St, Amman, JO Đ˜ĐŸŃ€ĐŽĐ°ĐœĐžŃ
contact téléphone: +962 6 582 6687
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Latitude: 31.957356, Longitude: 35.856079

commentaires 2

  • Omar Al-Tamimi

    Omar Al-Tamimi


    This place is one of the best shops amman that sells cigars, the seller is very kind, he can explain about every type of cigar he have the prices start from 8 jod , they gave me a lighter as a gift the prices of cigar in Jordan are very high because the customs from government on cigar are 550% thats why if you are traveling or know someone who travel ask him from free duty shops

  • en

    Khaled Kanaan


    Love it

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