Mutah Halls de Amman

JordanieMutah Halls


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A20, Aisha Al Taymouriyah St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 420 7602
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9112226, Longitude: 35.913571

commentaires 5

  • عمرو العمارين

    عمرو العمارين


    قاعة أفراح مؤتة أكثر من رائعة ❤❤

  • Nael Hassan

    Nael Hassan


    I had my engagement party there and let me tell you. First off, service was exceptional and at a time like that you need the service to be exceptional. Secondly, when it came to organization, they had it down to a science. They told us we could change minor details of the party till the very last minute. The lady that took pictures was so sweet and did an amazing job taking pictures. She really took her time and was very detailed orientated. I'm not sure who this next person was but I believe she was in charge of everything. She was hands down a professonail. They made the whole engagement seamless and at a time like that when a person is super stressed you need people like them to make it easy on you. Compared to other places here I believe to seem to be on the higher end but honestly if you want to be treated like a super star , be comfortable, happy and have amazing memories for the rest of your life then this is the place to go.

  • pain december

    pain december


    كثير ممتازه أكثر من قاعة كل وحده مدخل مستقل واسعه وفي غرفتين استوديو بتختار واحد منهم لتصوير العرسان وفي مصاعد السعر أغلى من باقي الصالات بحدود 500 بس سعرها فيها من حيث الخدمات وعدد الضيوف اكثر مثلا في كمرتين بقاعة النساء و منتاج مباشر أثناء الحفل وعدد الضيوف + 100

  • Mohammad Ja'abo

    Mohammad Ja'abo


    قاعات افراح مميزة , ديكور ممتاز وخدمة ممتازة .. الاسعار مرتفعة بشكل مبالغ

  • luffyomar onepiece

    luffyomar onepiece


    My sister's wedding was there, Actually we enjoyed and were so happy. They have good coordination and management.

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