مقام النبي شعيب عليه السلام de Balqa

Jordanieمقام النبي شعيب عليه السلام


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Balqa, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9602971, Longitude: 35.7163157

commentaires 5

  • en

    Indira Amaranti


    Love the architecture of the building..our tour guide also said if this shrine is the real shrine of nabiallahu shu'aib is Allahu a'lam..

  • en

    azmieti sinta


    This place is maqom and belived the place of prophet syu'aib were burried. This was prophet syu'aib home and the last home for prophet syu'aib to rest. Allah SWT gave prophet syu'aib best place in heaven....aamiin

  • en

    Bashar Anbtawi


    Great peaceful place, were u can pray then visit Prophit Shoaeb's grave after that go to a nearby park to have some barbique.

  • Mustafa Ali

    Mustafa Ali


    A must to visit shrine and tomb of Prophet Shuaib peace be upon him at the end of Wadi Shuaib.

  • Ibn Taat

    Ibn Taat


    Ada lubang kecil hujung kanan maqam di mana bau harum keluar, harum sangat. Berkat Nabi Shuib, berdoalah khususnya org yg terzalim, mustajab.

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