Mountain Breeze Resort de Salt

JordanieMountain Breeze Resort


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

1, Mountain Breeze Road, Balqa, Zay, Jalaad, Salt, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9638 2828
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.126636, Longitude: 35.771234

commentaires 5

  • en



    The place is so beautiful but the food and service were so disappointing.

  • Eva M.

    Eva M.


    We went there only for lunch, and I was pleasantly surprised! Even it is a bit off the track and difficult to find, it is worth it. They have a nice terrasse with a greeat view over the valley and the hills, the food was good and tasty, the impression was clean and the service was very good! I will come again!

  • en

    L. Z.


    this sort of place should not take reservatio s..only walk ins.. tons of empty tables and am waiting here 30 minutes because i dont have a reservation.. silly

  • yara zreikat

    yara zreikat


    Very nice.... on top of the mountain... good is great... prices are average.. alcohol served

  • en

    Saad Noaman


    Nice place to spend a weekend inside cabanas. Visitors can enjoy nice country side. As an option families can enjoy nice lunch in the terrace. However, food quality can be improved, and service needs to be restructured. Still worth a visit to enjoy the clean air and green scenery.

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