Montage – The Film Café de Amman

JordanieMontage – The Film Café



🕗 horaire

Jabal Amman, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9487187, Longitude: 35.9317249

commentaires 5

  • rawand shed

    rawand shed


    nice , sophisticated.

  • Anwr Odeh

    Anwr Odeh


    المكان المفضل للدراسة... الكافيه موجود بالهيئة الملكية للافلام "تحت الارض تقريبا".. اله حديقة والدكيور تبعه كله قزاز.. اغلب الاوقات مافيه حد او فيه ناس بتدرس/بتشتغل... الاسعار عندهم مناسبة كثير ولو تقعد كل اليوم ما بعترضوا او بحكو اشي

  • en

    Jonas Mahler


    Fantastic location and cafe layout. However the coffee isn't the best nor is the service. But all in all it's recommend place to go if your not a coffee sob.

  • Saeed Abu Alhassan

    Saeed Abu Alhassan


    Called Montage cafe, nice place, with wonderful design and garden.

  • Alan Orth

    Alan Orth


    Great environment, ok coffee, not so good service. I'll try again some other time, though, because the location and ambiance are great and I want to like it.

Café la plus proche

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