Modern American School de عمّان

JordanieModern American School



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27, Bakhit Al-Issa Street, عمّان, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 581 0027
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.952148, Longitude: 35.859388

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Sheikh Banafa


    ممتازة لاعداد جيل قادم مزود بالعلوم والتربية

  • Yousef Abueljebain

    Yousef Abueljebain


    A great school for hard workers. The school helps any student achieve their best rather than put them down. It has a great curriculum and amazingly skilled teachers. As an Honor Roll student and a graduate that has been here for 11 years, I can say that it is one of the best educational institutions here in Jordan. The memories and events we have had here will last forever. I have learned many life lessons as I grew up moving from one class to the next; achieving great scores along the years can only be one through dedication and hard work, which in return pays off when applying for universities. I am proud to be here.

  • Tim Hartman

    Tim Hartman


    It's been a great pleasure working with Modern American School for the past year. The staff and students feel like family and I am constantly hearing parent comments about the high academic standards. I look forward to being with the MAS team for years to come.

  • en

    danya abu hussein


    Modern American School has been my second home for 14 years now and I know it will be so forever because I know even when I graduate this June, it will still always welcome me because truly, we're family and the bond of family is everlasting. This school has fostered me since Kindergarten; Throughout the years, the teachers have tested me, the students have challenged and entertained me, the coaches have pushed me, the faculty have respected and fulfilled all of my requests, and the diversity has enriched me. Every memory i have of MAS makes me smile; Whether they're memories of my achievements or ones of my classmates' silly goofiness, they all make me feel so lucky and nostalgic. I wouldn't be where I am today without a childhood spent in such a fostering environment and I know I wouldn't be in a top university next year without it's extremely dedicated, encouraging, and helpful students, staff and faculty. I'm proud of the person I've become because of MAS and I'll always be eternally grateful. In all honesty, MAS is the best part of my childhood and it'll more than likely forever be my best memory.

  • en

    Noor Baarah


    Throughout moving countries and schools, I can honestly say that the Modern American School is where I felt the most comfortable in; academically and socially. I feel, as well as witness, that MAS really works to achieve its vision and mission, unlike other schools. The friendly school environment is what makes the way of teaching academics unique. Whenever I seek help for anything, lots of people offer helping. I also feel like being at MAS ,as my third year of high school now, built a strong, independent personality within me. I am aware that no school can be completely perfect, but I do believe that this school truly deserves a rating of 5 overall.

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