مجمع بانوراما البحر الميت Panorama Dead Sea Complex de Madaba Governorate

Jordanieمجمع بانوراما البحر الميت Panorama Dead Sea Complex



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محافظة مادبا, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 5 349 1133
site web: www.panoramadeadseacomplex.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.6298286, Longitude: 35.5848928

commentaires 5

  • Katie Milano

    Katie Milano


    Greatest view on the Dead Sea! + one can really appreciate live music evenings . And the ice-cream was out-of-this-goddamn-world!! Btw, probably one of the greatest places for a romantic dinner date

  • Benj Merritt

    Benj Merritt


    Clearly one of the best restaurants in the Dead Sea region. Staff is amazingly welcoming and serving. The food, mainly the appetizers are impressively well prepared, even the humous was clearly the best we had so far! And they do home made ice cream!! Now let’s talk about the view: breathtaking! Panoramic view of the Dead Sea. The price ? We ate and drinked for less than 30JOD for two with appetizers and ice cream. Clearly worth the détour!

  • Jan Lenartz

    Jan Lenartz


    One of the best meals we had during our stay in Jordan. The detour for a awesome dinner is something everybody should do when they pass the Dead Sea. If you are German, the head waiter is fluent in German. Let him select your food and you are set for an awesome dinner experience of local food.

  • en

    Richard Penney


    Absolutely amazing views. You can see the entire dead sea and most of Israel. The food was delicious and great quality. Would recommend to anyone who visits Jordan as a must stop

  • Vladimir Berlizov

    Vladimir Berlizov


    Отличная панорама. Хороший ресторан с прекрасным видом и неплохой кухней.

Restaurant la plus proche

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