Mia Lora By Nour Muhtaseb de Ammán

JordanieMia Lora By Nour Muhtaseb



🕗 horaire

Wadi as-Ser, Ammán, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 9655 1099
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9565559, Longitude: 35.8669144

commentaires 5

  • en

    Maimana Rash


    Nice place nice headpeaces but prices are high

  • Eyas Abd El Hadi

    Eyas Abd El Hadi


    Amazing shop with amazing stuff

  • Abdullah Abuomar

    Abdullah Abuomar


    The best bridal shop in town by the best designer in the world! Definitely go there for your wedding apparel ❤️

  • gheyath abd el hadi

    gheyath abd el hadi


    Number bridal shop in Jordan, amazing location and very friendly staff, the most importantly is the dresses which designed by Gorgeous Nour al Mohtaseb, all the dresses are hand made in Jordan and in Beirut, the prices is affordable and the dresses available for sale and rent.

  • en

    Taqwa Abukhairan


    Too small space

Magasin de vêtements la plus proche

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