Max Burger de אירביד

JordanieMax Burger



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אירביד, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 8999 5100
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.5482853, Longitude: 35.8599283

commentaires 5

  • hisham Ph

    hisham Ph


    ازكى اشي ساندويش الزنجر،

  • Jimmy J.

    Jimmy J.


    Shawerma . Fried chicken

  • XMOD Gaming and more

    XMOD Gaming and more


    I used to eat from this restaurant since it has opened here and really they offer a delicious fast-food

  • 7aسan ##

    7aسan ##


    ممتااز ❤️❤️❤️🤙🤙🤙

  • en

    Hussam Skaff


    Can't be any worse .. most of the meal is bread and the french fries is looks and tastes gross. Once I had a Stambouli meal there and found a hair in it. No big deal since I requested a replacement and they did politely. Ironically the replacement had hair, too !

Restaurant la plus proche

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