Marj Al Hamam Sport Center (MSC) de Amman

JordanieMarj Al Hamam Sport Center (MSC)



🕗 horaire

ش. مرج الحمام،، Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9544 8806
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9076949, Longitude: 35.8540682

commentaires 5

  • Hussien Abu Farash

    Hussien Abu Farash


    A good private sporting centre

  • Mohammad Abu Baker

    Mohammad Abu Baker



  • en

    Aia Sands


    Easy to reach.. v.good services, reasonable prices, clean, Activities for the whole family They have outdoor swimming pool and swimming trainers.. They have football academy.. Gym, and classes.. I like it.

  • en

    mhmd hayek


    They have accepted football court, for kids there is place for playing, but its little expensive,

  • Aida Al Hamdan

    Aida Al Hamdan


    The pool is big and clean.. the showers and toilets need more attention and maintenance... my kids enjoyed their time...

Point d'intérêt la plus proche

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