Макдоналдс de Амман




🕗 horaire

Амман, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 460 8888
site web: www.mcdonaldsarabia.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.992427, Longitude: 35.9356419

commentaires 5

  • said othman

    said othman


    كل الحب

  • ar

    ahhmed fayad


    مميز ومنظم

  • 3abed khalaf

    3abed khalaf


    You can dine in but this place does not have drive thru

  • Mohammad Abusamak

    Mohammad Abusamak


    Fast clean food. Friendly staff. Well served Lacks children playground, no mc cafe available

  • Thabet Abu Hassan

    Thabet Abu Hassan


    Not much different from any othe McDonald's, just the seating here is not that clean or good, and that is from the mall itself but at least you should figure out something for the seating, and the service is sometimes slow here.

Restaurant la plus proche

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