Ma’In Hot Springs Hotel Spa de Ma'in

JordanieMa’In Hot Springs Hotel Spa


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P.O. Box 801 Madaba - Ma'in, Ma'in, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 5 324 5500
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.608556, Longitude: 35.607537

commentaires 5

  • Mayank Agarwal

    Mayank Agarwal


    Amazing Experience We stayed for a day at the hotel at Ma’in Hot Springs, this was my first stay at a Hot Springs hotel so I meant to enjoy it to the fullest. The hotel is located at 200 meters below sea level surrounded by hot waterfalls making the average temperature here higher than rest of the region, in the month of March the temperature was pleasant and the views and landscaping around the hotel are beautiful. A guest can try the springs at three spots, the Hotel’s Pool, the Spa’s Pool & the Public Waterfall right outside the Hotel’s Gate, all three experiences have its own waterfall feeding the pools, each of them is great and had its own positives. At Spa you need to take up a spa service to use their pool (80 JD minimum if I remember correctly) it is the most beautiful, least crowded and the most expensive of the three options, the time we were here only six of us in total were in the poll. Also, the massage I received here was among the best I have had. The Hotel Pool is always crowded, we went twice ones in the morning and ones in the evening, both times there were about thirty people around the poll and another twenty in it. While it’s beautiful it does seem too crowded. We needed to wait for over 20 minutes just to secure ourselves towels. Also, their steam room was stinking and still a favorite with the crowds. Around noon it did feel good as there were only ten of us in the pool. The Public Waterfall was super crowded when we were entering the Ma’in hotel, looking at the number of people and cars on the road we didn’t even bother to try them. Around midnight a hotel staff prompted me to go for it as crowds would have left. I took the 10 minutes’ walk to it and was thrilled to find the place all to myself. It’s made in style of a Roman bath with the biggest/longest waterfall of the three. This made my experience here the best and one of the highlights of the trip. During our stay there were limited eating options at the Hotel, one of their restaurants was closed and only opens during summers and another one near the falls was booked for a private event. That left us three options, the Bar (al la carte meals), the Buffet restaurant and the Poll side café with its limited menu. We took our Lunch & Dinner at their Bar, the food was mediocre but no fault of theirs as we ordered out of the menu and they did give it their best try. We were disappointed with their Hooka/Shisha service as it didn’t get prepared for an hour (the guy who does it was missing, my guess he was at the private dinner event), complaining to the serving staff didn’t help much but when we took it a level higher immediate action was taken and we were treated like VIP due to lapse in their service. The next morning’s breakfast buffet, extra care was given in service and we had one of the best breakfast meals of our life. I left the property totally satisfied, well pampered and rested. Special thanks to Mr.Basim & Mr.Nidall from the catering team for taking care of us.

  • Jason Fowler

    Jason Fowler


    Beautiful setting for a resort. We stayed 2 nights there, and was upgraded to a three room suite, with view of the Dead Sea. The breakfast was top notch as was the a la carte good at night. Didn't visit the spa because it was a little higher than my budget, but it looks very nice. Larger pool close to the public got springs was under repair and not open unfortunately. This was a little bit of a problem on Thursday as it was the weekend and busy at the small pool right at the hotel, but not a problem on Saturday. It would be good if there was a cool pool there too instead of just warm pools. The early morning entrance only for the hotel guests to the public got spring waterfall was amazing. We had the while place to ourselves for a long time. As for transportation to and from this hotel, we took an Uber from Amman, but Uber won't pick up at the hotel. The hotel has a shuttle but costs way to much at 85 JOD. We took a Careem car in the end which was much lower cost but had to arrange it ourselves unfortunately.

  • عبدالغفار الاشقر

    عبدالغفار الاشقر


    منتجع رائع. معامله راقيه. نظافه ممتازه. استمتعنا بوقتنا من الصباح حتى اخر الليل.

  • ru

    Andriy Bilskyy


    Очень приятный отель. Нестандартно много дерева - древняя мебель, полы, лифт. Мне очень понравилось. Горячий водопад совсем близко - это вообще безоговорочно рекомендую всем!

  • ru

    Пользователь Google


    Отель хороший. Очень рекомендую горячий источник для «местных», расположенный по правую сторону от отеля. Платить не нужно, просто попросите охранников и ведите себя достойно в кругу местного населения. Источник обладает лечебными свойствами, ходить на него лучше утром и после обеда, как спадёт жара. Начинайте постепенно, 5-10 мин. И каждый последующий бень прибавляйте на 3–6 мин. Впечатлила прогулка по горной тропе, берущей своё начало у входа в отель (тропа хорошо спрятана, ищите указатели) и заканчивается у платного источника (в низине, по левую сторону Ma In). Персонал – приветлив. В самом начале отдыха спросите Что для Вас бесплатно и за Что Вы будете платить, периодически интересуйтесь своим балансом иначе при выезде могут возникнуть недоразумения! Обязательно посетите Амман, Мадабу, Петру, Акабу и поплавайте на мёртвом море в Кемпинском (автобусы ежедневно отправляются от Ma In), стоит не дорого. Evason – один из лучших отелей Иордании!

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