Lancaster Hotel Apartments de عمّان‎

JordanieLancaster Hotel Apartments



🕗 horaire

Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
شارع الوفاق - ضاحية الرشيد، عمّان‎، Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 515 5833
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0055223, Longitude: 35.8792297

commentaires 5

  • Ammar Alroz

    Ammar Alroz


    Not bad place. Built in a cheaply way. Staff are not really professional. But they Re friendly.

  • saif jadallah

    saif jadallah


    فندق ممتاز جدا وكادر ولا اروع وسعر معقول جدا يعني لو علي اصنفه فندق خمسة نجوم

  • عدنان رمضان

    عدنان رمضان


    هذا المكان مميز بكل ما فيه من المعاملة والنظافة والخدمات ٠٠٩٦٢٧٨٨٤٤٣٠٨١ عدنان رمضان لخدمات التوصيل للمطار واستقبال المسافرين والسياحة الدينية والعلاجية حجوزات الفنادق كل ذلك بصدق وأمانة وأقل الاسعار

  • Dabuttseeka



    Lit internet speed. Tv with no channels 🤔 Window view: a sweeper stuck upside down in a sewer hole. Pretty clean. No electricity sockets. Nice reception. Lights system is really guud. Good experience would 100% try again.

  • Azad Talabani

    Azad Talabani


    Not worth the $100 JD I was charged per night for two weeks. Front desk associate and manager Ahmed was rude, uncourteous, and argumentative. After paying $1400 JD for two weeks, and upon checking out no one even would help carying our luggage for us. The small kitichentte has a small electrical cook, however the wires were snapped off, therefore never worked. Upon checking in, sheets were not clean and you could tell they were used, they had a musty odor. I would have moved out second day had it not been for my old mother who had difficulty with mobility and walking. I will never consider this place again, neither will I recommend it.

Lodging la plus proche

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