Lale Sofrasi de Amman

JordanieLale Sofrasi



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Naim Abdul Hadi Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9956 7060
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9714673, Longitude: 35.8785396

commentaires 5

  • en

    bülent akçay


    Elegantly decorated&high class! Guaranteed to bite your fingers. All time favourite Turkish cousine in Amman

  • Badr Alkuraiea

    Badr Alkuraiea


    المطعم ممتاز واكلهم لذيذ الاسعار مرتفعه قليلاً ولكن للامانه الاكل يسوى والخدمه ممتازه والشاي التركي حكايه عندهم

  • Mohammad Al Armouti

    Mohammad Al Armouti


    Very recommended, enjoy Turkish food Nice and friendly staff and very clean place. All the best

  • en

    Mustafa Tell


    It takes more than fancy chairs and good service to make a restaurant great. This place is on the edge. The staff are very friendly (a bit too much if you ask me and it feels overwhelming sometimes. One can be natural and nice). The setting and atmosphere are very nice and elegant. It is the food that I have mixed feelings about. The presentation of the food is amazing and new for Amman but the food it self is not constant. I had soup, salad, one hot appetizer and a main dish. Only the main dish made me say wow. Don't take me wrong. The rest was good but not wow. For sure I will go again and try some new stuff and I hope I'll find other "wow" stuff. A couple of final notes: the place is pricey for Amman. I would say it is an expensive restaurant. Also, the staff still needs training. Training to be more natural and less on auto pilot. Also, don't try to push Evian water on the guests. This place it too nice to try that cheap trick. If I want water, I'll ask for it. The guy just opened an Evian bottle and set it on the table. I told him I want sparkling water. He insisted that the Evian he gave me was sparkling. Even though I never heard of Evian sparkling water, I thought may I am wrong. It wasn't. He just wanted to push it on me. Again, the place looks too nice and too fancy to try these cheap tricks.

  • Wesam Alissa

    Wesam Alissa


    Great place to be at. One of few Turkish cuisine restaurants in Amman. If you are a fan of trying new food and different cuisines, this is a must go place. Service is excellent, taste is great and you can find different menu options even if you prefer vegetarian option. Valet service is offered and they also have their parking space. I would give the place 5 stars for their service, food quality, cleanliness and overall experience.

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