Kir Heres Restaurant de Karak

JordanieKir Heres Restaurant



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29, al qal'a street، Karak, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9904 9571
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.1828187, Longitude: 35.7022046

commentaires 5

  • ar

    صالح البنوي


    المطعم جميل وطعامه لذيذ والخدمة ممتازه والنَّاس لطيفين والسعر جيد

  • en



    As a group of westerners tired after walking around Kerak castle, we were genuinely pleasantly surprised. It looked like a local's place, but was ideal for a quick lunch before we got back onto the road. The food was hearty and well-prepared, and at reasonable prices too. The 'sandwiches' (read wraps: that's what 'sandwich' seems to mean in Jordan) were very tasty, and came with free salad and genuinely delicious french fries: I'd also recommend the hummus. The Turkish coffee was just as good as anything I've had in Turkey/Greece as well. The manager served our table and was impeccably polite, speaking good English too. To top it off, the toilets were real cubicle-type things (i.e. not a hole in the group, like some other places we have been) and, crucially, were very clean – I'd recommend going there instead of the public ones they provide just outside the castle entrance!

  • Pfortner Hartmut

    Pfortner Hartmut


    Good food and friendly staff , both are rare in this town

  • ar

    reem salih


    مطعم جميل وهادئ...طعام لذيذ ...والأهم من ذلك نظافة المكان...والتعامل الرائع مع الزبائن...

  • en

    Justin Stone


    After the long drive up from Wadi Rum Kir Heres offered a great kid friendly atmosphere to relax and have a wonderful lunch. Food is good and the prices are reasonable given the location.

Restaurant la plus proche

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