Kings Way Inn Отель de Wadi Musa

JordanieKings Way Inn Отель


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Wadi Mousa Petra, Wadi Musa, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 3 215 6799
site web:
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Latitude: 30.3241409, Longitude: 35.497422

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Hamza Amarat


    حلو الفندق

  • Medo petra

    Medo petra


    It's closed already

  • Rad AlZubi

    Rad AlZubi



  • ar

    لخلنل خبحل


    انا خالد عبدالله المرايات الفندق مممممتاز وجميل جدا ورومانسي وبعقد صراحه

  • en



    Great people working there nothing too much trouble for them / Good wholesome food but very limited menu / drinks at the bar tea coffee or otherwise very very expensive / pool on roof terrace unheated and water very cold / Good hotel for stop over to see Petra but nothing else as there is very little else to do or see / The rock of Mose's site opposite worth a visit / Rooms good but a little tired / On the edge of town so no shops or restaurants near but within walking distance

Lodging la plus proche

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