King Abdullah II Stadium - AlQuiesmeh de Amman

JordanieKing Abdullah II Stadium - AlQuiesmeh


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Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9915 8586
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9276568, Longitude: 35.9532134

commentaires 5

  • Jihad Hashim

    Jihad Hashim


    In general I didn't like the experience

  • en

    Tayseer Younes


    The stadium is good to make matches there ,but you should avoid going there with your private car cause its very crowded there all the time of matches

  • Mamoun Zater

    Mamoun Zater


    King Abdullah II Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Amman, Jordan. It is currently used mostly for football matches. The stadium is 2nd Largest Stadium holds 13,000 people, the stadium are al-Wehdat Home Stadium. The Stadium are preferred for the Jordan National Team also. The quality of the Stadium was enhanced after helding some wpmen world cup matches.

  • Ahmad Eriqat

    Ahmad Eriqat


    Sport city clean and organized

  • Hany Afify

    Hany Afify


    No water during the match and you have to drink outside the court and buy the water from outside stadium. This was today in first day in Women Asia Cup.

Stade la plus proche

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