Khader Hussein Atiyyeh de Amman

JordanieKhader Hussein Atiyyeh



🕗 horaire

Hay Ar-Rawnaq, Amman, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9650 1088
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9457638, Longitude: 35.8480708

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ashley Jordan


    This place is kind of like a bulk store. They have lots of different kinds of juices and bottled drinks in the back you can buy in bulk. They have spices, teas, all kinds of household and beauty products. We go here to find gluten free pasta options, coconut oil and large packages of throw away silverware, plates, cups, and serving ware like aluminum pans for baking a turkey.

  • fadi aleid al eid

    fadi aleid al eid


    تعامل رائع واسعار جيده لكن بحاجه الى توسيع ليتيح له امكانيه الترتيب

  • Fareed Harthieh

    Fareed Harthieh


    نائب بالبرلمان الاردني . شخص رائع يساعد الناس والعائلات المستورة والايتام . لة مواقف انسانية كثيرة

  • en

    Ali Khayyat


    good prices. very crowded you can barely move around. a lot of merchandise poorly displayed.but you can find most of what you look for for nice prices.

  • en

    ala petro


    Good price but you can't know the price until you reach the cash no price tags

Point d'intérêt la plus proche

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