KFC de Amman




🕗 horaire

Zahran Street, Sweifieh, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 580 0000
site web: www.kfc-arabia.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9597837, Longitude: 35.8652973

commentaires 5

  • en

    Omar Alzoubi


    Fresh chickens more than any other branch

  • Mae Mae

    Mae Mae


    Not even worth 1 star! Went in last night, upon leaving heard 3 male workers saying, and I quote, "that new b**** would be nice to take upstairs to f*** her" , as she was getting her fountain drink. Some of the most disgusting, foul, dirty people I have come to meet this far! And to say this infront of children, and loud enough I'm sure she heard it because I was close to the fountain drink area when me and my family heard their disgusting mouths! This was the second and last time coming here. The first time we were double charged for everything. A woman was complaining about the same last night, aswell as she was given the wrong items.. get it together folks! Also clean your place. It's less then par

  • en

    Zaid Mohd


    Does not worth it. Many restaurants available around with better food quality and less price.

  • Fares Jildeh

    Fares Jildeh


    Cleanliness is almost non-existent and the toilets are not clean and the land is saturated with water

  • Ashraf Abzakh

    Ashraf Abzakh


    Food is good and you get the value of what you pay for

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