Kempinski Ishtar Dead Sea JO

JordanieKempinski Ishtar Dead Sea


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Dead Sea، Иордания
contact téléphone: +962
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Latitude: 31.6331412, Longitude: 35.515153

commentaires 1

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    Shay Wasser


    I booked 3 rooms for a family trip. Since we got inside the gates of the hotel we felt very secure with checks under the car and our suitcases. At the entrance you get red strawberry juice. The hotel itself is very big. the first time they drive you to your room with an electric golf cart (if not in the main building). The hotel has gardens and pools everywhere. Many of the pools are endless (such that you can see thru to the dead sea). All rooms were pretty quiet, large with a huge bathroom. The shower is round with marble from wall to wall. They also have a small beach with free mud (see attached pictures). The breakfast at the Obelisk restaurant is very large with everything that you can need / imagine. Some evenings they have a belly dancer on one of the terraces. This is the only problem of this hotel : they have minimum charge of 10 JD per person. although it is not much, I don't think that a classy hotel needs that. For lunch and dinner they have many restaurants on site like the "Obelisk": the main eating area, the pan-Asian restaurant and the "Ashur" Italian restaurant. We ate at all of them and the food is good with resealable price. They also organize tours. The free extensive fitness center in the main building is open 24 hours a day and the spa in a separate building costs 38 JOD per person.

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