جرش سوق باب عمان العسكري de Jerash

Jordanieجرش سوق باب عمان العسكري



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Unnamed Rd, Jerash, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.2690184, Longitude: 35.8902992

commentaires 5

  • Jalal Jordanian

    Jalal Jordanian


    بحاجة إلى توسعة و مكان أفضل

  • ar

    محمد عمر


    مكان رائع

  • Fathi esfat

    Fathi esfat


    About Jerash Jerash makes for a great day trip from the city where you can explore the ruins and learn a bit about historic Roman culture. Dating back 6500 years Jerash is considered the most well-preserved sites for ancient Roman architecture outside of Italy. Jerash Jordan Jerash Columns The amphitheatre, arches and plazas are in excellent condition due to the dry climate it is located in. It was hidden for centuries under the desert sand and has only recently been excavated in the past century. It was only rediscovered by the west in the early 1800s and excavations began in 1925. Check out our favourite ancient cities from around the world. North Theatre

  • ar

    علي ابو العافية


    مكان جيد للتسوق

  • Naim Alqabasi

    Naim Alqabasi


    مركز للتسوق ممتاز جدا بأسعار منافسه

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