Jordan University of Science and Technology de Irbid

JordanieJordan University of Science and Technology


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Ar Ramtha, Irbid، Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 2 720 1000
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Latitude: 32.4950392, Longitude: 35.9912257

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ching-Fung Lin


    Small and tasty simple food for very nice price.

  • Mjd Alkhwaldeh

    Mjd Alkhwaldeh


    Prof. Omar Al-Jarrah Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) is a leading teaching and research center in Jordan and in the Middle East. Our outstanding students, alongside our faculty,  make JUST a distinguished institution of higher education. JUST is impact on science and technology has been felt locally and regionally, our reputable graduates occupy vital positions in medical professions, engineering, architecture, agriculture, sciences, computer science and information technology.   At JUST, we are devoted to providing our students with top-quality education in all fields of science and technology. We offer a challenging intellectual environment with a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Students can choose from a number of academic specializations that fit their individual needs.   Our student body comes from different nationalities which fosters a highly diverse culture on our campus; about one fourth of them are international students.   JUST attracts and retains outstanding faculty and administrative staff who are well recognized in their fields. Our faculty comprises multifaceted staff who have varied experience. We are honored to have such distinguished members who have made key contributions in their fields.   Our university is modern in terms of facilities and resources that serve both teaching and research. JUST is always committed to the improvement of all facilities that will provide the environment and opportunities for the students to excel in their study. These improvements include equipping the labs, scientific utilities and research centers with the most advanced  technological means of education.    In addition to its role as an institute of higher education, JUST has always committed itself to serve the community in every way possible. Many of the activities carried out by our faculty members and staff are intended to serve the local community in Jordan.    We invite you to come explore JUST through our website to learn about our educational programs and research activities. Be sure that JUST is the place to pursue your future career and fulfill your dreams. Together, we hope we can all fulfill the mission of the university, to have graduates that make a difference in their communities and their country.

  • مؤمن عبابنة

    مؤمن عبابنة


    I love it so much 💙

  • en

    Mohammed Bamashmous


    What an experience, J.U.S.T teach's you knowledge and Stamina Proud for having this Experience

  • Tarek S.

    Tarek S.


    Not the best! It's all self-studying.. Edit: the sentence above was from a depressed, exam-stressed version of myself. After graduating already, I wouldn't go to any other university in Jordan but JUST. The very great reputation it has internationally, is quite enough to make you forget all the troubles you had there! I hope it stays the best ranked in Jordan, and maybe to a much better ranking worldwide in the near future.

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