Jordan Prices de Amman

JordanieJordan Prices



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Al Thaqafeh Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9638 2000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9699702, Longitude: 35.8997604

commentaires 5

  • Mohammad Nwihi

    Mohammad Nwihi


    Nice things they have cheap and always have offers on something new

  • Hady Kayed

    Hady Kayed


    Good for office supplies. House hold items leaves a lot to be desired. They have almost 50% damaged electrical appliances returned for maintenance. There guarantees on such appliances in very ambiguous.

  • ar

    Rami Tarawneh


    اسعار جيدة، و بضاعة متنوعة و لكن لن تجد نخب اول مميز ضمن المعروضات.

  • Samir Maher

    Samir Maher


    Affordable and discount prices on computer and computer accessories, home tools and some appliances,; stationary and office supplies. Car batteries and accessories. General gagets. Sometimes, one has to be careful not to pick substandard quality items. Ask an attendant to help you choose the right quality. If unsatisfied, they have a decent 2 day return policy. So keep the bill.

  • Mudheher Al-nayyar

    Mudheher Al-nayyar


    You can found every think you want and get good price .open ,7day in week -12 hour in day. يمكنك العثور على كل ما تريد والحصول على سعر جيد. مفتوح ، 7 أيام في الأسبوع -12 ساعة في اليوم.

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