Jo Petrol Station de Ma'an

JordanieJo Petrol Station


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Ma'an, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 30.3230484, Longitude: 35.4871015

commentaires 5

  • Dragos Corlatescu

    Dragos Corlatescu


    Beware of scams if you are a foreigner. I asked for a 30JOD gas and the guy put me only for 10JOD. I said 30 again, he apologized and told me that it is no problem and I will pay the first 10JOD and he will fill the tank with fuel valued another 20JOD. But apparently he didn't reset the counter . So I paid 30JOD for a 20JOD valued fuel. I realized latter that this happened when I found out the volume of the tank.

  • sohail abbassi

    sohail abbassi



  • Mohamad Al Saudi

    Mohamad Al Saudi


    محطه وقود

  • en

    avi richa


    They accept foreign currency too

  • Rohan Edman

    Rohan Edman


    It's a gas station! Service was nice!

Station essence la plus proche

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