Jerash Archaeological Museum de ג'רש

JordanieJerash Archaeological Museum


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ג'רש, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
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Latitude: 32.277946, Longitude: 35.8916259

commentaires 1

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    The Jerash Archaeological Museum is located on the rise East of the Oval Plaza known as Camp Hill. It received its name due to the fact that the archaeologists' camp was based here decades ago. This small and often overlooked museum is well worth the visit even if a brief one. There are artifacts from different sites within Jerash and around from all periods including a selection of mosaics from the city's Byzantine churches. Of special interest is the display of archaeological finds from a Hellenistic tomb (which are rare in Jordan) discovered under Jerash's northern city wall. The views from Camp Hill towards the Oval Plaza, the Sanctuary of Zeus, the South Theatre and the South Gate clustered in one panoramic shot are among the best in Jerash (see review image). From here, you can go down the modern steps to the Macellum (Agora) across the Cardo.

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