Jafra Cafe de Amman

JordanieJafra Cafe



🕗 horaire

15, Prince Mohammad St, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 462 2551
site web: web.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.952258, Longitude: 35.930714

commentaires 5

  • Hiba Saleh

    Hiba Saleh


    Overpriced. Personally I did not enjoy the food or the cold drinks. The music gets a bit loud sometimes it would get difficult to have a conversation. However, the place is so beautifully vintage and somewhat cosy. It’s nice to sit at and take photos.

  • en

    Zack Nash


    Great environment with great food. The atmosphere is excellent as is the food. The environment is that of a laid back Cafe in the middle of a bustling city. Worth a visit if you are in the area.

  • Elizabeth Miller

    Elizabeth Miller


    Great food. For some reason they have stopped offering Coke or Pepsi products. Otherwise we love taking visitors to Jordan here!

  • Dr mohammad

    Dr mohammad


    Located in downtown Amman in a very busy area, it is the twin cafe for rakwat Arab cafe . The atmosphere is very nice, friendly staff. Valet parking service is available. They have a very nice terrace to enjoy food if the weather is suitable, some musical activities in the weekend along with a breakfast open buffet.

  • Robin Gemmell

    Robin Gemmell


    English menu, a variety of hot and cold drinks as well as a good selection of food. I didn't eat here but the Turkish coffee was good. Price for coffee and a bottle of water was 3 JD, so not bad. Add in the fact the WiFi was free and fast and I was happy. Service was a little on the slow side.

Café la plus proche

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