Istiklal Library de Amman

JordanieIstiklal Library



🕗 horaire

Subhi Al 'Umari, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 582 1168
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.957429, Longitude: 35.866292

commentaires 5

  • Yousef Khoury

    Yousef Khoury


    one of the oldest bookstore in amman, you are looking for any thing for arts and crafts, toys, and even office supplies you will find them here,

  • Moutaz Jwiehan

    Moutaz Jwiehan


    The best in jordan with all kinds of stationery and art products, the price is a bit hight but the quality is tip too

  • Saad Albasha

    Saad Albasha


    This is the best place to find most of things your looking for pins, notebooks, gift wrapping, decent prices.

  • Ghaith Al-Amaireh

    Ghaith Al-Amaireh


    Great experience and the people there are very helpful. Also a variety for all tastes.

  • en

    Fadi Hamameh


    Easy access in a busy area. Best place to park your car if you are driving is in the back. Istiklal is much more than a library and i recommend if you are looking for arts and crafts, gifts for business people and even for kids.

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