Holiday Inn Beach de מחוז בלקא

JordanieHoliday Inn Beach


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מחוז בלקא, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7500529, Longitude: 35.5884933

commentaires 5

  • Mercé de Rande

    Mercé de Rande


    Nice place to enjoy dead Sea with mud and showers.

  • Kateryna Struzhko

    Kateryna Struzhko


    Entry for non-resident hotel is 40jd on week days (including open buffet which is really good or 25jd without lunch) and 50jd on weekends (Thursday, Friday, Sat., 35jd without lunch) Beach itself is okay, sun-beds, umbrellas, towels, water and mud are included to fair. Beach is a bit rocky underwater. There is shower next to the sea. Open buffet is very good, but make sure you take day entry with lunch, otherwise you will pay 25jd for it. Hotel looks old, there are several pools which you can use, tiles are old, not everything accessible... Palm are dried and greenery is poor. For one time visit. Entrance from the street is terrible, you need to go in through the car gate, which is always closed and open only by request. Be ready to "enjoy" Jordan. P.S. Coffee and other drinks are not included to open buffet....

  • Yahya NoorDean

    Yahya NoorDean


    Ok good just fair enough..

  • Ana Fuentes

    Ana Fuentes


    Very nice place ti visit the Dead Sea

  • id

    Cahyo Widiyanto


    Hotel yg fasilitasnya lengkap. Sampai memiliki "pantai privat" khusus pengunjung hotel. Tersedia juga kolam renang yg ramah anak serta tersedia life guard di setiap sudut. Makanan yg disajikan lengkap. Enak & ramah lidah asia. Pelayan sangat ramah yg berasal dr banyak tempat bukan hanya dr jordania saja. Top markotop hotel in jordania.

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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