حمام مراكش de Amman

Jordanieحمام مراكش



🕗 horaire

Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9712 5556
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9512809, Longitude: 35.9152799

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jarkko Mikkonen


    Better than expected. Clean and friendly place.

  • Niza Kay

    Niza Kay


    Very loud, looks dirty, unbelievably unprofessional staff! Walked in and out. Awful

  • Mohammed Malkawi

    Mohammed Malkawi


    Very nice bath or the best in amman you should enjoy one bath there

  • 189 MHz

    189 MHz


    Think this hamman is good as a cultural experience more then a relaxing one. When I visited the place was packed and the music super noisy. The girls were happy, singing, and the 10 min massage was very good, super strong. But think they need to take care a bit about the cleaning and try not to smoke cigars inside the place. Bring your own bikini, a pareo, flip flops, shampoo and conditioner.

  • en

    Hanan Sk


    The best place to visit. Suitable price + perfect service.

SPA la plus proche

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