H&M de Amman




🕗 horaire

Taj Mall, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9160 0284
site web: alshaya.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.940777, Longitude: 35.888216

commentaires 5

  • nash al- nash

    nash al- nash


    Very ignorance stuff not much different stuff than h&m in UK both they are worst no changing room the stuff not very helpful

  • en

    Ali Al-Jammaini


    Nice place for shopping

  • Mais J

    Mais J


    Ever heard about baiting? That's H&M's promotions and sales strategy.

  • en

    Maisa Nofal


    me and my sister went there and we spent 1 hour trying and picking clothes then we were surprised that the prices on the clothes were not real!!! or as we were informed by one of the employees ( شكلهم الاسعار القدام ) he looked at us and said that... then looked away and shouted for another employee ( علاااااااء) and then another employee told us ( الله معكم) as if we were homeless:/ definitely not going there again

  • en

    A Barr


    Highly disappointed that their hours of operation are not correct. They say everyday they open at 10am. I came on a Friday at 1130am and they aren't open. Please correct business hours for an accurate reflection of when the store is open. Also, tried to call and the phone number doesn't work.

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