Hala's Treats de Amman

JordanieHala's Treats



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Zahran, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 592 5465
site web: m.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9493618, Longitude: 35.8722094

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nabeel Al-Munyyer


    Similar to home made cakes, tbh taste is good but wouldn't describe it as amazing or special. Way too expensive comparing to taste they are offering

  • en

    yara zreikat


    Nice setup and good tasting. For those looking for a quiet place serving sweets, coffee and tea I highly recommend hala's treats

  • en

    Aysha Asfour


    If u want a super looking yummy delicious treat . That's the place!

  • Fida Abdel Rahman

    Fida Abdel Rahman


    Really nice bakery and cafe, wide selection of desserts. I tried a selection and they were good, their specialty is the salted caramel it's excellent. Quite pricey though

  • en

    Saad Noaman


    Great cakes and snacks... highly recommend the cakes being different... but make sure to share it with some one as the slice is very large. It will be nice to hang out with friends or family as the place is quit and the decoration is very relaxing. Can be good if you want to finish some some work and enjoy a salad or cup of coffee.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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