Habiba Sweet de Amman

JordanieHabiba Sweet



🕗 horaire

King Hussein Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962
site web: habibahsweets.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9525641, Longitude: 35.9322815

commentaires 5

  • Zaid Ibhais

    Zaid Ibhais


    The best ever, adore it!

  • Jb Seruwagi

    Jb Seruwagi


    This restaurant is dedicated just to Arabic sweet! It is very famous in Jordan! They have several branches around Amman most of which you need to que to get served. The sweet are delicious ! This place is next to a really good mansaf restaurant so most people come here for dessert.

  • Shubham Singhal

    Shubham Singhal


    Wow!! If you have a sweet tooth, just head to this place, there’s a queue of 2 mins and voila there’s like a plethora of authentic Amman sweets ready for you to gorge upon. This place has a big restaurant and also a small take away place, so if you want to get it picked for home or family go to the main sweet house else if you want to try a few while being on the Amman street food experience, hit the smaller kiosk. Jordanians love to hit this place through out the evening, sit outside the place enjoying the delicacies with friends and family. Just mind that you might go over your sweet tooth capacity. Prices are nominal too!

  • en

    Khaled AlHouli


    Habiba sweet, is a famous kunafa shop in Amman, its origins from Nablis as they calming. There are 2 shops nearby in the Amman downtown or Amman old city. The small shop is only selling Kunafa and the large shop sell baklava, kunafa, cakes and some other item, which I did not try. I have try Baklava and I do buy it for friends. It is one of the tastiest in Amman and with such a reasonable price compared to the compotators. Kunafa is good here as well and worth to be tried while it is still hot. Don’t forget to have a cup of coffee along with it!

  • en

    A Hssine symp


    I think it is the best pastry in Downtown.

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